Reliable, practical, and affordable server hosting.

We're an up and coming IT solutions and digital infrastructure company.

Coming Soon

We're coming soon!

We're not ready yet... but we're getting ready to operate.

Services we'll be offering

We're making promises we can keep

Cloud Computing

We're planning on offering cloud compute for 50-70% cheaper than major competitors.

Bare Metal

Currently in the process of acquiring a wide range of dedicated hardware. Perfect for any need.


Our space would be able to provide cheap internet and power to clients, making us a great place to colocate.

I.T Consultation

If you're in need of some insight for your specific I.T issue, we can provide assistance.

Remote Support

Monitoring, securing, and supporting your infrastructure remotely is a service we offer.

Web Hosting

We're proud website hosters. Our website hosting plans provide much more value than competitors.

Contact Us

Contact us if you need anything from us. We'll be happy to talk!
